Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Napier Moments.

We visited Napier again last week - such a lovely place. Some moments I captured for you:


Linda Sue said...

SNOUS!!! ANd globs in a cup! Great post and a very pretty place in the world. I really should have come along with you. Dexter wags!

Leenie said...

At least I know where our green goes in October--south with the warm weather just like the birds. Fun to seen Snous, and what ARE the globs in a cup?

Unknown said...

Aag! Hoe verlang ek nou! Oupa Ver het mos vir al sy skapies ons kleinkinder name gegee! Raak sommer nostalgies! Pragtige fotos snuzi!

Anonymous said...

Lots of my favourite things - lovely!!

Nicky Linzey said...

Lovely! Looks like Snous enjoyed the outing.