Friday, April 9, 2010

Fluttering thoughts.

I liked this quote by Edna St Vincent Millay when I read it a while ago, so made a little moleskine illustration for it.

Most of my thoughts tend to be of the fluttering kind - unconnected to other thoughts (or sometimes reality) - they go here, they go there, they twirl a little when a breeze comes along, they cannot really decide where to land ...
PS Have a great weekend, all! Think thoughts. Fluttering or not. (I will be editing. It is going sooooooo sloooooowly.)


Sarah said...

Lovely page and sweet quote. I had never thought of leaves thinking-and like the thought. I will go fluttering off with it! Hope your editing goes ok.

Anonymous said...

Good quote and illustration. Have a good weekend, love, Anne

nathalie et cetera said...

if a leaf could think, it would be brilliant.
have fun at your slow work. try to enjoy the weekend anyway.

aimee said...

beautiful! did you do that with a dip pen? the flow goes so well with the fluttering thoughts!

at swim-two-birds said...

love the quote and your illustration, mine are mostly fluttering too :)

kendalee said...

I sometimes think I have nothing but fluttering thoughts these days - can't seem to hold onto anything in my head for longer than a minute. It's a bit scary really. I'm loving your pages and hope the proof-reading's going well! Thinking of you... xx

Aris said...

lovely pages! How do you keep your fluttering thoughts at bay while you are editing scientific stuff? It must be challenging, I hope it is interesting, what you are editing. I feel like you are the kid stuck in side while we are all outside playing. Do you enjoy it?

Anonymous said...

Nice image and words...I think it's important to keep them fresh and open ended......the thoughts.

Sarah said...

Are you half way through yet? Hope it is going well-and quickly! I might start my 40 reports tomorrow-I don't want to but it will make me feel better!