Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Coming up for air ... and to say how I miss your company! Before I started this current editing project I made a family for The Doll, as Sarah Jeweller and Sarah Dollmaker suggested. My three dolls were meant to keep me company as I worked, but oh, they are not half as fun as my sweet bloggy friends. No, they are a sorry substitute. They've settled themselves on top of a cabinet in the livingroom, soaking up the sun, discussing the Philosophy of Dressmaking amongst themselves, while I sit in the dark and dingy study at the back of the house ...
Dear friends, I hope you are all well and happy! I'll be visiting you all. Soon, I hope.
xxx Anairam


Leenie said...

Glad you came up for air if only for a moment. Thanks for giving us an update. At least your friends don't interrupt or make a lot of demands so you can concentrate on your work.

Sarah said...

Oh they look great! It is a shame they are so unhelpful! I hope it doesn't take you too much longer to finish your editing. It sounds incredibly tedious!

Sarah Of Sweden said...

I love them. They are so cute.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ana, thanks for visiting and leaving a lovely comment!! Hope you get to the end soon - it's terrible when work gets in the way of play! I love your dolls (no,no,no must not start something else!!) Love, Anne

Linda Sue said...

I dislike your job...I want the words to crumble into a pile to be swept away with the dust bunnies. I do like the girls. Their expressions could be ...anything. Mostly they look as though they want you to play and make dresses and hang out with them, that is why they are not being helpful. I know how they feel.

Anonymous said...

Miss real life you even more! Must make a plan to meet up x Lana

Aris said...

I have tagged you, but if you can't don't stress although perhaps a little break would be nice(:
I love the girls they are waiting patiently although they are getting pretty close to the edge...watch out(:

aimee said...

these little guys are phenomenal! and they all have their own personalities! and the one on the right looks rather easygoing, possibly contemplating a slide down to the floor to see what's around, the one in the middle looks absolutely terrified of falling, and the one on the left is ready to flat out bolt out the door.

we miss you!

lisa said...

lovely work company. glad you're able to come up for air.

Nicky Linzey said...

I love that you said they're discussing the philosophy of dressmaking. It's just perfect!