For now, a confession: I have been a bad, bad girl and have acquired many new things. I will post three of them today and the rest later. I purchased these three items at the local Methodist church bazaar. Don't you just love a church bazaar? They seem such happy places. I don't find churches themselves very happy places, but maybe that's just me. But oh, a bazaar! Women tossing pancakes, the smell of boerewors rolls, weird crafty things like pot holders and toilet roll covers, tombola tables. Old ladies selling raffle tickets. And cupcakes. What's not to love? I found these in the 50c bin:
A tiny plastic bird. It is currently positioned on the frame of my limited edition William Kentridge lithograph. It is a comment on the relative value of things. If you knew what my WK is worth now, you will know what I mean.
A tiny porcelain bird. It is perched on the post of my dressing table. At night it flutters off and brings back interesting dreams for me to dream. Nifty, hey? You should get one.
A tiny porcelain angel. She is praying, as you can see. I didn't really want her, but she looked so sad and lonely left in that 50c box with several pink plastic pigs and an odd assortment of Lego; I swear I could see the little tears trickling down her cheeks. So she came home with me. Unfortunately I dropped her as I picked her up to photograph her, and oh dear, her neck broke. Clean off. Which just goes to show that praying may not be all it is cut out to be. Luckily, unlike those incompetent king's horses and men, L'Usband managed to put her together again. She is now ensconced safely in my display cabinet, where she shares a shelf with three pigs. At least they are not plastic.
Love bazaars! And bizarre things. It looks you came out with some super purchases and for a most excellent price. Little wing-y thingies to keep you company and enlighten your dreams--good. Broken angel--bad. Husband with glue--good. Where was he when Humpty Dumpty needed him?
I have to admit that I can not pass up tiny things- at least they can fit comfortably anywhere and do not demand attention. I have a little WADE bird like yours. I have many plastic things, tiny, vintage, adorable. I am now weeding out stuff again now that the floor is sort of in- a whole year and two weeks it has taken! Going through what to keep what to toss. The hallway stacked with books and doo dahs to go to charity shop.
when you have time- I would like to talk with you about cheeses...
Poor little angel - I am glad L'Husband was able to repair her! At least these acquisitions are small, and you won't have to move to a bigger house to accommodate them!!
When my auntie was young in russia she was one of Stalin's little soldiers. Then it was her work to break the angels just like you. I will send for you her medal that she did win.
I bought a humpty dumpty somewhere-and broke him when I moved him to take a picture! The nursery rhyme is all true. I like your little birds.
I could so picture that bizarre - even smell it! I know exactly the kind you mean and it takes me back - fab. Love your tiny acquisitions - specially the lovely dream-collecting bird. Weren't those little figures once a free collectibles gift in Ricoffy tins?
I had a little bird like that, long ago! Must see if I can find it - it sounds more useful than I thought.
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