Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The Figures in the Mirror.

Remember my mini magazine journals?
I am busy making a new one - and a story seems to be emerging ...

Who knows how it will end?
I'll keep you updated.


Linda Sue said...

Oh YES! You are BACK! your humour and creativity makes my day! LOVE these! Clever clever girl!

Leenie said...

I'm not frightened, just excited to see the next installment. Your new magazine journal is inventive, ingenious, innovative, original!

Anonymous said...

Oh - this is amazing! I love youe sense of humour, and I'm looking forward to the next installment!!

arcadia said...

Wat 'n fascinating idee. Wat was jou inspirasie?

Sarah said...

I am looking forward to the next installment. I like the black and whiteness with a hint of colour.
Glad you got the postcard. I love that part of the picture and just bought ten of the same postcard. So much simpler!
I used gouache paint on the envelopes-and on the postcards. I think acrylics would work but I wanted the matt finish of gouache. Also they are lovely and opaque-I don't find that with some colours of acrylic. I suppose I could try matt medium-I have only ever used it for collage work.