Wednesday, September 24, 2014

A Walking Tour of the Studio.

No, not my studio. William Kentridge's.
We went to this lecture last week ...

where the artist spoke (most eloquently, as always) about his work and his process.

Phrases that stuck with me: "stalking the image ..."  "behind every certainty there is a violence ..." and strangely enough, "carrots, cumin and brisket", the last one being ingredients for a dish that he was going to cook, and which popped up in his mind, very unZenlike, while he was doing a 5-minute meditation on a tree in his garden.

At the event I got hold of this publication (L'Usband's early Christmas present to me, yippeeee):

which contains the text of his 6-part lecture series at Harvard University (videos can be found here)

He very kindly signed my copy ...
but I thought it wise to obliterate his signature in the photo, for obvious reasons.

1 comment:

Leenie said...

Interesting guy. Must have been a very fascinating lecture. Nice job having the book ready for his autograph.