Friday, February 6, 2009

T-A-D #6 Decluttered Love

I am doing a Decluttering Course (from here) at the moment. It is free (so sign up if you're in need of it). So far it has been a great motivational force to get me off my backside and start getting rid of some stuff - every day I am sent an email and given an area of my life to declutter, and I am truly in need of this. (Of course, if you see my study/work-space - which Le'Usband has wittily dubbed The Officer's Mess - it will be hard to believe that I'm busy decluttering. Let's just agree to close the door on that particular area for the moment...)
On Monday I decluttered my bedside table, on Tuesday the bathrooms, yesterday my handbag and purse, and today I am meant to start on my wardrobe. Over the past couple of months I have been greatly inspired by stylish editor from here and here to edit my wardrobe. A very difficult task - I am a hoarder par excellence! So I've been putting the clothes project off a little bit, and decided to rather start decluttering my photo collection. This morning I backed it up (off-laptop) on two separate hard disks. The next step was to find amongst the thousands of pics the alphabet project I started with last year. Yes, you may not believe it, but I am slowly forging ahead with all the little projects I set myself! (I want to make a new alphabet book with my own photographed letters). And in organising & decluttering, I got the idea for my sixth T-A-D object ...

I give you ...

... my Decluttered Love.


evencleveland said...

I love editor's posts.

Decluttering sounds like a good February project.

aimee said...

this is exactly how i declutter - i just close the door.

Sarah said...

What a great idea!-the letters I mean and your use of them. The de-cluttering is on my mind too. Tonight I have gathered a bag of very heavy books for the charity shop tomorrow. The trick is to get out of there again without buying any more. Good luck with the wardrobe! That is one of the hardest to do.
Look forward to tomorow's thing a day thing!

Linda Sue said...

Thank you I will take that decluttered love- sorely needed!
Too much silly stuff here but...might need it someday, right?

kendalee said...

I love your LOVE! Every day I think, that's my favourite project so far, and then the next day and the next project arrives and you have outdone yourself. Are you having fun with T.A.D? It certainly looks like it!

And oh, I do so enjoy a good de-cluttering. Always wonder when I've done it, why I procrastinated so long. I gues I'm just a better procrastinator than I am declutterer!! I also favour the "closing the door on it" approach. My wardrobe could definitely do with a ruthless sorting out - perhaps I will check out your course... thanks for the pointer :)