Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The Silver Rule

I am gearing myself up to wear the black and silver beanie. I've taken it out. I've looked at it. I've tried it on. And taken it off. Why am I afraid of wearing it? It is not that I haven't worn beanies before, I have two: a grey one and a plain black one. See how I am excluding the black and silver beanie? As though I want to deny that I own it. It must be the silver, a colour which my mother has always denounced as 'flashy'. Or perhaps I am concerned that someone might mistake it for the fashionable version of the Aluminium Foil Deflector Beanie which I discovered via Daddy Likey. (Hey, you can learn how to make your own one here to keep those pesky mind-controlling aliens at bay!)
Perhaps I will wear it to my tango lesson tomorrow night. No dear, I mean my silver & black beanie, not the AFDB one. I will pair it with the silver sequinned scarf which also lies in my cupboard, unworn & discarded ...

I am wondering if you also have funny illogical rules - carry-overs from your childhood - that keep you from wearing or doing something?


Bronwyn said...

Thanks for your lovely comments on my blog - so glad to have discovered you:) Thanks for the link to the word website - great stuff. PS I hope you wear the beanie and enjoy it, three cheers for black and silver!!!!

kendalee said...

I do! In fact you prompted a whole musing on the subject over on my blog. I too hope you will wear the beanie. I bet it'll look fabulous on you and sometimes "flashy" is just right!

Anairam said...

bronwyn: It is a pleasure! And I hope I will wear the beanie too. kendalee: I had a look at your post! And in keeping with your 'red' theme, I think we will both have to join the Little Red Engine in saying: I know I can, I know I can,I know I can ...

queengilda said...

that beanie is really pretty. maybe you can just wear it around at home one day first and kinda get used to wearing it? then you can wear it out for a short trip around the neighborhood like, to the supermarket or something.

by then i'm sure you'll be fine and can wear it out all day! :)

Anairam said...

gilda: I like your idea - Baby steps! Now I must admit to having worn the beanie at home on several occasions. (Because it is so lovely ...) But I may very well wear it tomorrow when I fetch the post!(But then leave the sequinned scarf at home?) I'll keep you posted on Le Beanie Project!